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Calibration standard lamp for 2π spectral flux, total flux and CCT
- 100W tungsten halogen lamp
- UMPA-1.0-HL mount
- 20 mm diameter diffuser for 2Pi
- Optional calibration

Calibration standards
Calibration standards enable the calibration and adjustment of measurement instruments to absolute measurement quantities. Calibration standards provide a reference signal corresponding to the measurement quantity to be calibrated. The reference signal of the calibration standard is calibrated in the respective measurement quantity. The calibration of the measurement instrument is performed by comparing the measurement signal of the measurement device with the standard specifications in the calibration certificate. Deviations are compensated for by adjusting the measurement instrument accordingly.
Measurement of the spectral radiant flux
The spectral radiant flux [W/nm] is important for qualification of illuminants based on their total emitted radiant power. The spectral radiant flux and its photometric equivalent luminous flux is therefore also used in the investigation of the energy efficiency of lamps. In order to measure the spectral radiant flux, the total light emitted by the lamp must be measured regardless of the radiation direction. Integrating sphere spectrometers and goniometers are typical measurement instruments for the spectral radiant flux.
2π radiation characteristics
Calibration standard lamps with 2π radiation distribution characteristics are preferred for calibration of integrating sphere spectrometers that are used in measurement of lamps such as LEDs and spot lamps with hemispherical light distribution. By use of 2π standard lamps calibration is done under similar illumination conditions of the sphere surface, baffle and sample holder as in the test sample measurement.
A special feature of the BN-LHSF-2P-20 calibration standard lamp is its 2π radiation characteristics which make it ideal for calibration of integrating sphere spectrometers used for measurement of LEDs and spot lamps. The calibration standard has a quartz halogen lamp that is characterized by its continuous emission spectrum. The socket of the lamp itself is active air flowed using a fan to maintain emission stability. This standard lamp can be directly mounted at the measurement port of an integrating sphere with an UMPF-1.0-HL port frame. Adapters are also offered for larger frames.
Optional traceable factory calibration
The optional calibration of the spectral irradiance is performed by Gigahertz-Optik’s calibration laboratory for optical radiation measurement quantities. The calibration is traceable to a reference standard that was calibrated by the national measurement laboratory. Calibration and results of the calibration are confirmed by a factory calibration certificate.
Gigahertz-Optik GmbH offers lamp power supplies for operation of the calibration standard lamps.

Typical emission spectrum

3D illustration of the luminous intensity distribution

The BN-LHSF-2P-20 calibration standard lamp can be directly mounted on the measurement port of the integrating sphere with an UMPF-1.0-HL port frame.
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