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Teléfono: +49 (0)8193-93700-0

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Teléfono: +1-978-462-1818

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Light source for use with the UM series modular construction integrating spheres. Features: External lamp for up to seven LEDs of type Golden Dragon Osram. LEDs connected in line or in 3 groups. Fan for the heat sink.


The LS-OS1.5-LED3 can be set-up with up to seven either similar or different Golden Dragon type LEDs from Osram manufacturers. The LEDs can either be wired in groups or individually. Each LED has a heat sink. A diffuser window in front of the LEDs  optimizes the diffuse light input in the sphere.

Productos similares

Light source for use with the UM series modular construction integrating spheres
LED based calibration standard according CIE reference spectrum L41 (CIE 251) lamp for luminous flux or irradiance including electrical supply and temperature stabilization