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Two-Channel Optometer
- Two channel use with calibration data in data plug
- For use with most photometric and radiometric detectors supplied by Gigahertz-Optik
- 17 modes: CW, pulse energy from both single and multiple flashes, effective luminous intensity (Blondel-Rey), data logger and others

Available in two versions the P-2000 optometers are highly efficient dual-channel instruments designed for multipurpose use in most photometric and radiometric applications including pulsed light measurement. Its compact size, four line blue back-lit display and unlimited detector interchange, functions and features characterize the P-2000 as all purpose laboratory grade instrument.
Safe Detector Head exchange
A unique feature of the P-2000 is its detector head calibration data connector which stores all data pertaining to a light detector head including model and serial number and calibration data. When connected to the meter, this data is automatically transmitted and the light meter is ready to go. Combined with one or more of the wide range of available light detectors the P-2000 can be configured as a high level photometer, UV-A, B and C radiometer, laser power meter, PAR meter plus many other configurations.
Seventeen different measurement modes
Along with the ability to use the P-2000 optometers with an unlimited range of light detectors, seventeen measurement modes enable the user to specify light sources in different ways.
CW and pulse energy measurement
The P-2000-1 features a fast sample rate ADC with a variable integration time from 0.1 to 6 seconds in CW mode. The P-2000-2 model is designed for pulse energy measurement of single pulses or pulse chains down to µs pulse lengths.
Manual and remote control operation
The RS232 and IEEE488 interfaces allows remote control operation. The meter is DC low voltage operated with external AC power supply.
Measurement range specifications with Light Detectors
The measurement range of optometer combined with light detector is calculated by the measurement range specification of the optometer and the responsivity of the detector head as follows:
- Offset signal
= Maximum Resolution = meter current offset signal / detector sensitivity
Sample: 0.1 pA (0.1E-12 A) / 3 nA/(mW/cm²) (irradiance detector) = 0.33 nW/cm² - Minimum measureable irradiation
= offset signal * signal to noise ratio factor
Sample: 0.33 nW/cm² * 50 = 17 nW/cm² - Maximum measureable irradiation *
= max. signal current detector / detector sensitivity
Sample: 1 mA (10E-3 A) / 3 nA/(mW/cm²) = 333333 W/cm² - Display range
= Offset signal to maximum measureable signal
Sample: 0.33 nW/cm² to 333333 W/cm² - Measurement range
= min measureable irradiation to maximum measureable irradiation
Sample: 17 nW/cm² to 333333 W/cm²
*) The maximum measureable irradiation value may also be limited by thermal radiation, intense UV radiation or other application dependent parameters which must be considered by the end-user.

P-2000 with Optional Integrating Sphere Detector

P-2000 with Relay Board (Option)

P-2000Z-01 RS232 cable required for remote control operation

Relay board for P-2000 to control external accessories

Adapter cable to connect detectors with BNC connectors (-1 type) to the 9PIN SUBD socket
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