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Fast response time trans-impedance signal amplifier
- High quality analogue amplifier with current-voltage conversion
- Minimal diode offset voltage for short circuit operations
- Bandwidths of up to 330kHZ. 1µs rise time
- Large I-U amplification range from 10pA/V to 1mA/V

Transimpedance amplifier for Light Detectors
Silicon, Germanium and Indium Gallium Arsenide Photodiodes offer best linearity correlation of light input to their electrical signal when are operated in photovoltaic mode. Simulation of a real short circuit at a signal amplifier input requires a current to voltage conversion amplifier with very low offset voltage independent of the selected gain range.
Low noise output signal
The P-9202 amplifiers assembled in a metal shielding housing equipped with low noise feedback resisters and gold contact read-relays for gain selection offer very low noise voltage signals.
Short rise time model P-9202-4
The P-9202-4 model is a fast amplifier with a 8-step switchable sensitivity range from 300 nA/V to 1 mA/V and a nearly constant slew-rate of 1 µs in all gain ranges. Photodiodes can be operated in photovoltaic or photodiode mode (-5 V bias voltage). Useful in applications requiring high bandwidth up to 1 MHz or short 1 µs rise time.
General purpose model P-9202-5
The P-9202-5 model is a general purpose amplifier featuring an 8-step switchable sensitivity range from 100 pA/V to 1 mA/V and gain dependent slew-rate. Photodiodes can be operated in photovoltaic or photodiode mode (-5 V bias voltage).
Very high gain model P-9202-6
The P-9202-6 model is a very high sensitivity amplifier with an 8-step switchable sensitivity range from 10 pA/V to 100 µA/V and variable, gain dependent slew rates. This model is suited to applications involving very low photodiode signals starting in the 10 femto A (0.01 pA) range.

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