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Gigahertz Optik GmbH (Sede central)
Teléfono: +49 (0)8193-93700-0

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Teléfono: +1-978-462-1818

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Productos alternativos para este producto descatalogado:

BTS256-LED Tester
Compact BiTec Spectroradiometer LED Tester for the Measurement of Total Luminous Flux of Single VIS and NIR LEDs


Integrating sphere detector with short rise time for Laser power in W

  • 8 mm sphere diameter
  • 2 mm port diameter
  • ODM98 coating
  • 400 nm - 1100 nm responsivity
  • optional SMA Adapter

Fast Rise Time Integrating Sphere Detector

The ISD-0.8P-SiLP integrating sphere detector employs an 8 mm diameter ODM coated integrating sphere. The small diameter integrating sphere ensures high light level throughput through low attenuation as well as a fast light throughput by short transit time of the light signal (speed of light divided by the product of sphere diameter and sphere factor).

Fast Rise Time Photodiode

The low profile Si photodiodes (identical to model PD-1106) offer fast rise time for longer wavelengths as compared to crystalline type silicon photodiodes.

Measurement Port or Fiber Adapter 

An UFC-11/SMA fiber connector adapter can be mount to the ISD-0.8P-SiLP integrating sphere detector’s measurement port. 

Traceable Calibrations 

Calibration of spectral radiant power sensitivity in W is performed at Gigahertz-Optik’s Calibration Laboratory for Optical Radiation Quantities.

Typical Spectral Responsivity

Typical Spectral Responsivity

Sensor design

Sensor design

Productos similares

Integrating sphere detector for Laser power in W
Detector for fast, time-resolved (ns) radiant power measurement of pulsed laser diodes and LEDs