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Gigahertz Optik GmbH (Sede central)
Teléfono: +49 (0)8193-93700-0

Gigahertz-Optik, Inc. (Oficina de US)
Teléfono: +1-978-462-1818

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Este producto ya no se fabrica. Es posible que queden existencias. Consulte las alternativas que figuran a continuación en "Productos similares" o póngase en contacto con nosotros directamente.

Productos alternativos para este producto descatalogado:

MD-37 series
Detector head with M30x1 mount. Features: modular detector for use MD-37, SRT and other accessories, Si, SiLP, InGaAs, SiC, GaP photodiodes, for use with optometers and signal amplifiers
PD-MSD series
Laser power head for microscope measurements available in two versions (Si and Thermopile) for precise laser power measurement

PD-45 series

Laser power measurement head available in three different versions (Si, Ge and Thermopile) for precise laser power measurement

  • Si, Ge and Thermopile version available for UV/VIS/NIR/IR spectral range
  • Laser power measurement with traceable calibration (ISO 17025 accredited calibration laboratory)
  • 45 mm diameter and 20 mm height
  • -5 connector for calibration data stored in detector
PD-45 series

Universal Laser Power Detector

The PD-45-series is designed as universal laser power detectors to be combined with laser power meters like the P-21 Touchscreen Power Meter. The thermopile version is only compatible with the P-21, the others can also be used with P-9710 or X1.

Housing and Connector

The PD-45-series detectors are designed with 45 mm diameter and 20 mm height. The -5 plug offers the possibility to save calibration data.

Three Different Configurations

We offer a classical Silicon (Si)-based configuration for the UV/VIS/NIR/IR range, a Germanium (Ge)-based version for NIR and a Thermopile version for NIR/IR range.

Traceable Calibration

With our ISO 17025 accredited calibration laboratory we can offer you accurate laser power meter calibrations in various wavelength steps and ranges.

PD-45 series for laser power measurement of laser, laser diodes, VCSEL, etc.

PD-45 series for laser power measurement of laser, laser diodes, VCSEL, etc.

Productos similares

PD-45 series
Detector head with M30x1 mount. Features: modular detector for use MD-37, SRT and other accessories, Si, SiLP, InGaAs, SiC, GaP photodiodes, for use with optometers and signal amplifiers
PD-45 series
Laser power head for microscope measurements available in two versions (Si and Thermopile) for precise laser power measurement