Gigahertz-Optik 徽标


Gigahertz Optik GmbH (总部)
Phone: +49 (0)8193-93700-0


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条款和条件/Terms and Conditions

我们的一般条款和条件符合电子行业产品和服务的一般条件("Green Delivery Terms - GL"),符合Zentralverband der Elektronik- und Elektronikindustrie e. V. (电气和电子制造商协会)截至2011年6月的建议,并有以下补充内容。Green Delivery Terms - GL "的英文版本是由德文版本翻译而来。只有德语版本才是有效的 Only the version in German language is valid.

  1. The terms and conditions of the purchaser shall not thereby accepted even if they were not explicitly rejected in the purchase order correspondence.
  2. Special arrangements to offers or proposals require a written confirmation from us.
  3. Estimates require a confirmed offer as a basis for an order.
  4. Our prices are FCA Türkenfeld (Incoterms Status 2020), without packaging, shipping costs and VAT. The VAT will be shown separately on the invoice at the time of delivery applicable VAT rate.
  5. The due date for payment for services, such as Re-calibration and repair, is 30 days net.
  6. The payment condition for deliveries of goods is prepayment.
  7. For new customers, we reserve the right to demand prepayment. In this case, we will issue a proforma invoice after receipt of the purchase order.
  8. For non-timely payments, we are entitled to demand interest in addition of 5 % to the discount (prime) rate of the Central Bank of Germany (Deutsche Bundesbank) after expiration of the due date of the purchase.

Download Terms and Conditions (in English and German)