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This product is no longer manufactured. Remaining stock may still be available. Please refer to the alternatives listed below under "Similar products" or contact us directly.

Alternative Products for this discontinued product:


Measurement Adapter for ILED-B. Features: High uniformity, CIE 127, UMPA-1.0-HL mount.


The CP-ILED-B-IS-1.0-HL is a measurement adapter for Averaged LED Intensity following to CIE 127 B regulation. Its design is based on an integrating sphere for best possible uniformity of the measurement area. The adapter can be plugged on every Gigahertz-Optik UMPA-1.0-HL mount, like to one of the BTS2048 Series.

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CCD-sensor spectral radiometer for measurement of CIE 127B averaged LED intensity. Features: Measurement Adapter with compact integrating sphere for uniform active area. High-end CCD-sensor spectral Radiometer for CW and pulse measurements.
Compact Bi-Tec measurement device for the measurement of ILED-B. Features: Bajonett adapter with ILED-B geometry according CIE 127, spectral data, color temperature, CRI, chromaticity coordinates, etc.

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