User reports of optical metrology from Gigahertz-Optik
Here you will find some selected case studies from our customers. These represent a cross-section of our capabilities and those of our customers. We are constantly working to expand this list. In the more than 35 years of our company's history, there are countless great success stories of cooperations that should be mentioned here. However, we only publish case studies that have been agreed with our customers and approved for publication.

Individual Sphere coating at METAS in Bern/Switzerland
As far as we know, METAS houses the currently largest integrating sphere in Europe with a diameter of (3.98 ± 0.01) m, i.e. almost 4 metres. This sphere has not been actively used for measuring tasks for several years now because the coating of the manufacturer at the time has yellowed slightly over the decades.
In the course of the refurbishment of the sphere, the sphere was therefore recoated by a specialist from Gigahertz directly on site.
Gigahertz-Optik BTS256-EF light meter for the qualification of nautical navigation lights at OPTONAVAL
The company OPTONAVAL develops and produces technical lights for the operation of flight decks for helicopters on sea-bound structures such as yachts, research vessels, platforms, frigates and others. In 2020, the development of a product family of navigation lights was added, the complete light guidance of ships. To ensure the quality of these lights, the BTS256-EF from Gigahertz-Optik is used.
European Metrology Research Programme - EURAMET and Gigahertz Optics
Europe's national metrology institutes working together - The European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) brings together national metrology institutes in 23 countries to address key metrology challenges at European level. It supports collaborative research to ensure that measurement science meets the future needs of industry and society. Gigahertz-Optik and the BTS-Solar are delivering important results.
Absolute calibration of cinema cameras
Together with Gigahertz-Optik, the experts in light measurement technology, ARRI has developed a high-precision calibration device designed for perfect repeatability for this measurement task. The highly stable, position-independent, compact and highly accurate in all specifications BTS2048-VL-TEC plays a decisive role here.
CADFEM – Driving Force of Simulation since 1985
With the help of the MSC15 handheld spectrometer, CADFEM is able to characterize light sources better and in a simple and uncomplicated way and thus improves validation. Furthermore, the reflection and transmission spectra of the materials on our bench can be checked and compared with the simulated data. With the MSC15, we have a good tool at our disposal to further increase the quality of the optical properties of the materials and to provide our customers with high-quality material models.
Short Term Light Modulation PstLM
Using a fast photodiode detector such as the VL-3702 detector from Gigahertz Optik GmbH in combination with the PFL-200 amplifier, the light signal from a lamp can be recorded with a sampling frequency of up to 200 kHz and converted into an electrical signal. This is normalized to ensure that the amplitude of the output signal is independent of the absolute light intensity and is pre-evaluated using a bandpass filter.
Optimal LED curing for UV resin
UV-curing resin, specially developed for printing rods and complex rod structures, enables the production of precise and stable structures thanks to its fast and reliable curing. In order to achieve optimal curing results, the irradiance of the LED module must be precisely adjusted, as the exact dosage of the UV intensity has a significant impact on the material properties and the strength of the end product. The even distribution of the UV radiation also ensures homogeneous curing, which is particularly important for delicate or mechanically stressed structures.
Precise spatial bioink curing through digital light projection
Cellbricks GmbH specializes in bioprinted tissue therapeutics to restore and support organ function, improving patient outcomes. Their advanced 3D-bioprinting technology utilizes digital light projection for precise spatial bioink curing. By employing tools like the BTS256 spectroradiometer, they ensure accurate light intensity and wavelength distribution, enabling scalable human tissue replication for cutting-edge clinical treatments.