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Precision power supply for lamps up to 250W

  • PWM power supply for the precise operation of lamps in constant current mode
  • 16 bit ADC enables very accurate current setup and adjustment
  • Stress-free switch on/off adjustable ramps are available

LPS-250 Single channel 250W, 24V Lamp Power Supply

The LPS-250 is a microprocessor-based power supply for the operation of lamps up to 250W requiring high resolution controllable with very low noise operating current such as calibration standard lamps and auxiliary lamps. It is set-up for full remote control operation in CW mode via its RS232/RS485 interface. Its design includes a high resolution 16 bit digital to analogue converter for precise current control. For lamp filament protection it offers a time adjustable on/off ramp function. The LPS-250 can be manually controlled with its front panel buttons with active display. Combined with the BTH19/2 bench top housing a stand alone power supply to operate the BN-LH250 spectral irradiance calibration standard lamp can be set-up.
LPS-250 front panel

LPS-250 front panel

LPS-250 rear panal

LPS-250 rear panal