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This product is no longer manufactured. Remaining stock may still be available. Please refer to the alternatives listed below under "Similar products" or contact us directly.

Alternative Products for this discontinued product:

BTS256-LED Tester
Compact BiTec Spectroradiometer LED Tester for the Measurement of Total Luminous Flux of Single VIS and NIR LEDs
Preconfigured UPK-150 integrating sphere for universal use in light transmittance, reflectance and absorption applications
Integrating spheres with Precise Machined Housing
Integrating Sphere with Precise Machined Housing
Integrating Sphere with Precise Machined Housing
Integrating Spheres with Precise Mmachined Housing, 50 mm diameter and 10 mm diameter measurement port. ODM98 coating.
Integrating Spheres with Precise Machined Housings


Integrating Sphere with Precise Machined Housing

  • 6 in / 150 mm diameter sphere
  • 25 mm diameter measurement port
  • Base sphere for custom design
  • 98% synthetic coating

Integrating Sphere

150mm / 6 in diameter integrating spheres are the most commonly used size in measurement of light and measurement with light applications because of their good light throughput and sphere design criteria relationship. 
Sphere Body for Custom Design Solutions  The UPK-150 integrating sphere with a diameter of 150mm with ODM98 coating offers high light throughput in the spectral range from 250nm to 2500nm.


This sphere is exclusively built to order offering complete freedom for individual custom design. Typical application set-ups are for an integrating sphere light source, light intensity detection, transmittance, reflectance and photoluminescence (see UPK-150-MP-V01).
UPK-150 Integrating Sphere in Custom Design for Photoluminescence Measurements

UPK-150 Integrating Sphere in Custom Design for Photoluminescence Measurements

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Preconfigured UPK-150 integrating sphere for universal use in light transmittance, reflectance and absorption applications
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Integrating Sphere with Precise Machined Housing
Integrating Spheres with Precise Mmachined Housing, 50 mm diameter and 10 mm diameter measurement port. ODM98 coating.
Integrating Spheres with Precise Machined Housings

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