This product is no longer manufactured. Remaining stock may still be available. Please refer to the alternatives listed below under "Similar products" or contact us directly.
Alternative Products for this discontinued product:

TR-22 Ultra Fast Transient Recorder
Ultra fast transient recorder with 4 ns sampling rate and trigger options enable many analyses
- 4 ns Sampling, 250 MSamples / second
- Trigger possibilities
- 3 ns rise time voltage amplifier
- 14 bit ADC resolution
- Allows the calculation of pulses e.g. peak intensity, pulse length, pulse half width, pulse energy and pulse repeat rate, etc.
Ultra fast Digital Data Sampler (Transient Recorder) for Light Pulse for Analysis
The TR-22 optometers are designed for pulse analysis of frequency modulated and single pulse flashing light sources down to the ns regime. Especially this very short pulses are a challanging measurement due to limitations of rise time, amplification and noise. Standard signal amplifieres are usually not able to allow such measurements time resolved. With the TR-22 series and its accessories like the CA-22 amplifier this door is now open!
Complete Analysis of Pulse Shape and Pulse Parameters down to the ns Time Regime
- pulse locus shape
- peak power in a radimetric quantity
- pulse width
- single pulse energy
- pulse repetition rate
3 ns Rise Time Voltage Amplifier
The TR-22 voltage amplifier offers a rise time of 3 ns. The voltage amplifier combined with the CA-2x series accessory signal amplifiers, see specifications.
250 MS/s and 14 bit ADC
A high speed analog to digital converter (ADC) with 14 bit and 250 MSamples/s (MS/s), which are 4 ns sampling time digitizes the analog signal for ultra high time resolution measurements.
Trigger and Remote Interface by USB-C, Ethernet or RS485
The digital data is stored in a high-speed storage in the device which is designed as transient recorder. This allows pre-trigger and post-trigger evaluations since the ransient recorder enables measurement data to be stored before the triggered event and after. Different trigger possibilites like edge, level, etc. are available. 8MSamples can be stored in memory.
The TR-22 offers remote operation via USB-C, Ethernet or RS485. SMA connectors are available for trigger input and trigger output or for use with external devices with TTL signal capability.
S-TR22 Software
A software is supplied with the TR-22 which provides all necessary functions to do remote control pulse-shape measurements and analysis.

Pulse analysis of ns pulses with the TR-22

example meausurement of an attenuated pulse
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